In the final days of the Obama regime, one of the many evils they did was to establish a regulation banning states from defunding Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers using federal funds. Congress passed a bill that rolls back the regulation and clears the way for states to defund Planned... Read more...
The latest WikiLeaks dump reveals that the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean. WikiLeaks Vault 7 ‘MARBLE’ published 676 source code files on today, March 31, 2017 it claims are from CIA. This comes one week aft... Read more...
Spies, Lies & Intrigue The lamestream media has been obsessing on the Trump Tweet while ignoring the felonious criminal evidence that the Obama regime was spying on Donald Trump and many other private American citizens. Their hatred of Donald Trump is blinding them to the glaring facts right be... Read more...
Dr Phil McGraw had the audacity to expose truth on pedophilia and child sex trafficking by the elites on network television and is now paying the price. The story told by "Kendall" on the March 21, 2017 airing is eerily similar to the fact-pattern exposed in Pizzagate. Kendall reveals how she wa... Read more...
by Spencer P Morrison; National Economics Editorial Illegal Aliens Cost The US $148.3 Billion A Year: The Border Wall Costs $21.6 Billion President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern bord... Read more...
Inviting the Democrats to the table is the recipe for Disaster! Republicans have proven they are incapable of governing as the majority party and Democrats have proven they are evil enemies to a Constitutional Republic when they govern. So what is America to do? First thing is to keep democra... Read more...
I guess seven years was not enough time for the Republicans to know how to repeal the disastrous ACA law called Obamacare. What a bunch of frauds! Take note America for we see that true Republicans in the House of Representatives are reduced to the 30 or so members in the Freedom Caucus with all oth... Read more...
There is no hiding the fact that President Donald Trump has globalist establishment on his team that are party to the coup d’état against he and America. Yes, President Trump and his team are being maligned as targets of the LameStream Media. The 17 Intelligence Community (IC) agencies is replete... Read more...
Two illegal aliens gang rape a 14 year old girl at her Rockville, Maryland High School, a suburb of Washington, DC. The two men were arrested for rape and will be charged as adults for their horrific crime. The two men, Henry Sanchez, age 18 and Jose Montano, age 17 are being held without bond due t... Read more...
The lame stream media and the democrat party is insane and harming this nation. We are watching the hearings and to a person everyone agrees there is no evidence ... getting that? ... NO evidence to warrant an investigation, but yet here they are. It’s one thing to write fake news and give fals... Read more...