The are more agendas in Syria then quills on a porcupine. False flag operations galore since President Trump announced his gradual withdrawal of troops from Syria and Afghanistan. The deep state is furious at President Trump for his audacity to end the perpetual war machine that greatly profits... Read more...

POTUS Trump is in the throes of a secret spiritual and carnal war with The Cabal. The Cabal consists of 13 satanic bloodlines that essentially controls the planet. They include Oligarchs; Institutions; Governments; and the Gnostic Illuminati. All are satanists; all are subjected to trauma-based min... Read more...

I first wrote this article the day after the San Bernardino terrorist massacre on December 2, 2015. These terrorists legally immigrated to the United States and were fully ‘vetted’ by the Obama regime. A newspaper publisher picked up that article and published it in their January, 2016 editi... Read more...

All the major fake news media outlets are reporting two incidents of Russian bombers flying within 100 miles of the United States on Monday April 17. They then report a second incident the next day on Tuesday the 19th this time with bombers flying 36 miles north of the Aleutian Islands. Scary news .... Read more...

As the photo indicates, be weary when the shark baits you with a smile. No coincidence I’m using a pic from the 2006 Korean movie Shark Bait. When your predator smiles at you like they’re your friend, its moments before they devour you. This is not a time of peace and hopefully not a time... Read more...

Did Donald make a deal with the Devil? If you thought you were dreaming that Trump betrayed nationalism to embrace globalism, do not pinch yourself, you’re unfortunately awake. He’s embracing the Neo-Con globalist war machine, the MIC: Military Industrial Complex for the old school folks. Nei... Read more...

Well, the globalist gained control over the Trump administration so now their long sought war with Russia is imminent. Fox News is reporting that the Russian Frigate Admiral Grigorovich has entered the Mediterranean Sea and headed toward the USS Ross and the USS Porter, the two US Navy Destroyers th... Read more...

Clint Eastwood could have easily starred in his movie, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” if it were filmed in the DC Swamp. The adventure and fights would still be epic. It seems not all snowflakes, cupcakes and buttercups are on the left for it appears we have more than our share here with our b... Read more...

HTC's new phone, HTC One is announced to hit the market this April. Coming along with a super-slim and futuristic design, it becomes a serious contestant for the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S4. It initially comes with a memory of 32 GB which is more than enough even if you were a movie m... Read more...