The biggest myth perpetrated upon the world is that Islam is a religion. Forget the religion of peace mantra for Islam is neither a religion nor peaceful. They are an Islam Idiocracy without borders. The Islam Idiocracy governs all Muslims and those who embrace Islam anywhere in the world regardless... Read more...

I first wrote this article the day after the San Bernardino terrorist massacre on December 2, 2015. These terrorists legally immigrated to the United States and were fully ‘vetted’ by the Obama regime. A newspaper publisher picked up that article and published it in their January, 2016 editi... Read more...

On Saturday June 10, 2017 several hundred Texans descended upon Richardson to rally against the brutality and incompatibility of Sharia law in the United States. There were some far-left counter protesters who came to disrupt and try to silence the common sense measures of no Sharia but their n... Read more...

So how’s all that Islamic immigration working out for ya? I’m not making light of the horror, but how long will we allow the moronic leftists and globalists to control immigration policies? Allowing these Islamic madmen into civilized nations is inviting death and mayhem. They themselves are ... Read more...

You can always count on the pathetic left’s deviant support of terror, violence and mayhem with their irrational denial of radical Islamic terror. They lash out every time their pathos gets exposed for its repugnant malevolence! Rather than bemoan the senseless mass murder of young girls at the... Read more...

Enough is enough. We’ve been dancing with the mentally ill gang called ANTIFA for too long and these far-let cities and states supporting their violence must come to an end. Charges need to be filed against all politicians at all levels of government funding them, turning a blind eye and giving th... Read more...

For liberty to reign again in France so must Marine Le Pen. Enough with this calling the extreme globalist left like Emmanuel Macron a moderate. Macron is an extremist and he is campaigning on the ‘fact’ that terrorism as an “imponderable problem” which will be “part of our daily lives for... Read more...

Why did only a few survive? It has to do with human nature. The greater the enormities of a disaster, the less likely people are to consider the propensity and reality of doom. This applies to the case of the Titanic’s maiden voyage with all its pomp, circumstance and hype of being the first uns... Read more...

Whenever a conversation on Islamic terrorism is initiated it will invariably be immediately shut down with the cries of racism and that not all Islam is radical, evil or terrorists. That is by design with the violent left who proclaims “tolerance” by others except when they don’t get their way... Read more...

The western world is in general woefully ignorant of the true tenants and objectives if globalism and Islam, despite the obvious evidence confronting us to the horrors of islamic terrorism. We were lied to about this islamic threat by Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama for they were all globalists a... Read more...