Malicious tampering by the French electoral system ushers illegal victory for Emmanuel Macron. Millions of French citizens receive damaged and invalid Marine Le Pen ballots or no Marine Le Pen ballot in their voter package. French citizens must not tolerate such deceit. Ballot tampering by the ... Read more...

Hey New Media, make sure you do not get sucked into buying the fake news concerning the Trump administration. When you continue to warn President Donald Trump to stop singing his new globalism song make sure you’re not in the chorus. The forces that brought down General Michael Flynn now have t... Read more...

Did Donald make a deal with the Devil? If you thought you were dreaming that Trump betrayed nationalism to embrace globalism, do not pinch yourself, you’re unfortunately awake. He’s embracing the Neo-Con globalist war machine, the MIC: Military Industrial Complex for the old school folks. Nei... Read more...

Inviting the Democrats to the table is the recipe for Disaster! Republicans have proven they are incapable of governing as the majority party and Democrats have proven they are evil enemies to a Constitutional Republic when they govern. So what is America to do? First thing is to keep democra... Read more...

There is no hiding the fact that President Donald Trump has globalist establishment on his team that are party to the coup d’état against he and America. Yes, President Trump and his team are being maligned as targets of the LameStream Media. The 17 Intelligence Community (IC) agencies is replete... Read more...

Worldwide Rejection of Globalism & Islam! FREXIT Next? People of the world are rising up in rejection of globalism and the Islam invasion designed to eradicate national cultures. Though the lamestream worldwide media and the globalists in host nations are doing everything to suppress and deny t... Read more...

Clint Eastwood could have easily starred in his movie, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” if it were filmed in the DC Swamp. The adventure and fights would still be epic. It seems not all snowflakes, cupcakes and buttercups are on the left for it appears we have more than our share here with our b... Read more...

HTC's new phone, HTC One is announced to hit the market this April. Coming along with a super-slim and futuristic design, it becomes a serious contestant for the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S4. It initially comes with a memory of 32 GB which is more than enough even if you were a movie m... Read more...