By White House, 1600 Daily Two and a half weeks after President Donald J. Trump declared a National Emergency to address the crisis on our border, mainstream media outlets have dug into the numbers—and the personal stories—surrounding America’s broken immigration system. What they... Read more...

Mentally Ill democrats accept defeat with a delusion of victory. They still believe that their far-left message did not get out. They are imploding because it did ... and America wants nothing to do with it. The Clinton and Sanders factions of the democrats are totalitarian. It’s Hillary the fa... Read more...

June 26, 2017 (Texas). Today’s 9-0 SCOTUS ruling is a split decision even though I believe President Trump EOs are 100% lawful and correct. For anyone living in those 6 Muslim countries who lack a ‘bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States’ are subject to the 90 day m... Read more...

Democrats were under an utter delusion during the Obama regime that their far-left globalism agenda made them the party of choice. Good choice if you’re morbid or goth, but for the rest of the free world that survived the globalism surge it was a travesty that will not soon be repeated. The ele... Read more...

June 16, 2017 (Texas). Laura Loomer was arrested in NYC for free speech in protesting the despicable incitement for the assassination of President Donald J Trump. The so-called play “Julius Caesar” is little more than a thinly veiled inducement and fantasy to assassinate the President. This... Read more...

Deranged far-left gunman opens fire at a Republican softball practice early this morning. Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA) was shot in the melee according to Rep. Mo Brooks (AL) who tended his hip wound in his phone report provided to CNN. There was several injured and security returned fire and ... Read more...

There is no investigation into the Trump – Russian collusion because the story was invented by Obama shortly after the 2016 election of Donald J Trump. When the deep state participants were called in to testify before Congress under oath, to a person the conclusion was there is no evidence for... Read more...

There are four major scandals that are shaking America to the core. Three have been revealed and denied by state and federal officials with the lamestream media scoffing and seething at the very mentioning of them for they too are implicated and party to the scandals. Pedophilia and Child Sex T... Read more...

Obstructionist Congress led by RINO Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continue to allow Democrats the upper hand in not confirming 17 President Trump nominees. The American people are fed up with Republican leadership’s betrayal of America. Since 2010,... Read more...