About Jon Galt

Jon Galt is a sovereign man, a true American patriot, philosopher, inventor and writer. Jon believes in the power and glory of the human mind, capitalism, and the sovereign right of the individual to use their mind solely for themselves. His existence makes him a member of society; his Creator God made him a bearer of His image and a child of God. As such he is a sovereign individual with a unique mind. Society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionality and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism. The natural and only end of that collectivist philosophy is death. For this reason Jon Galt rejects society. He owes no man anything but to live lovingly and justly for his Creator God who is supreme love and supreme justice. The individual mind of sovereign man is God’s attribute of omniscience. Laissez-Faire Capitalism is man’s only structure capable of giving glory to God and His image bearer sovereign man. Therefore, my oath is to live as God’s creation: a sovereign man that never lives for the sake of another or for another to live for the sake of he. I care not who shrugs.
Islam Is An Idiocracy, Not A Religion
0 comments, 05/08/2017, by in Islam

The biggest myth perpetrated upon the world is that Islam is a religion. Forget the religion of peace mantra for Islam is neither a religion nor peaceful. They are an Islam Idiocracy without borders. The Islam Idiocracy governs all Muslims and those who embrace Islam anywhere in the world regardless... Read more...

McMaster Must Be Fired … IMMEDIATELY!
1 comment, 03/08/2017, by in Politics

HR McMaster, Brigadier General and National Security Adviser is one bad hombre and traitor to United States sovereignty and must be fired immediately. Sara Carter, an investigative reporter for Circa News broke the story and has a copy of the secret letter McMaster sent to Susan Rice confirming she ... Read more...