Malicious tampering by the French electoral system ushers illegal victory for Emmanuel Macron. Millions of French citizens receive damaged and invalid Marine Le Pen ballots or no Marine Le Pen ballot in their voter package. French citizens must not tolerate such deceit. Ballot tampering by the ... Read more...
URGENT: MUST READ before Voting! Please share this article with every media web site and person you know who may be voting this Sunday in the French Election. The French Electoral Commission has ordered all French media outlets to “Stand Down” from publishing Emmanuel Macron's hacked emai... Read more...
May 5, 2017. WikiLeaks publishes "Archimedes" a tool used by the CIA to attack a computer inside a Local Area Network (LAN), usually used in offices. It allows the re-directing of traffic from the target computer inside the LAN through a computer infected with this malware and controlled by the CIA.... Read more...
The LameStream Fake news media and globalist cabal is going all-out to rob Marine Le Pen of the French Election. We’ve seen this happen in the US with their assault on Donald Trump. Were it not for his overwhelming support that defeat the voter and election fraud, far-left queen Hillary may very w... Read more...
It seems not only Google is in the business of redefining long established meanings of words like that of fascism to mean a right-wing system of governance. The shamefulness and guile of the extreme left globalists in doing this to provide cover for the far-left violence of the terrorist groups’ a... Read more...
If America is to get on the ‘Campaign Promise’ track, President Trump will need to remove his Obama/Hillary and Bill Clinton picks advising him. So far foreign policies seem to be an extension of far-left Obama globalist policies. In addition Republicans in Congress must opt for a change in l... Read more...
Paul Ryan has demonstrated himself time after time as an inept Speaker of the House and ditto Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. They are failing as Republicans leaders and cannot adequately manage majority positions and have failed miserably as opposition party when democrats led. My goo... Read more...
Sebastian Gorka, a former counter-terrorism analyst for Fox News and National Security Editor for Breitbart who joined the Trump Administration as a counter-terrorism adviser, will be leaving the White House in the coming days according to Vivian Salma, Associated Press staff writer. As it turns out... Read more...