Monthly Archives: April 2017

Shame on You Google!
0 comments, 18/04/2017, by in Technology

Do we need to boycott all advertisers supporting the Google platforms to get Google's attention? We’ll be doing shame on you articles on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others but they’ll just have to wait their turn. Here’s why we're starting with Google. Google is defrauding their advertis... Read more...

Fried Rice ala Obama Anyone?
0 comments, 13/04/2017, by in Politics

The LameStream Media (LSM) is facing a conundrum. Continue to aggressively provide cover for White House crimes committed by Barack Obama and Susan Rice or to risk exposure of the crimes committed in 2013 Syrian chemical attack should congressional hearings and investigations be launched. Such inves... Read more...

Real Bad News for Democrats
0 comments, 12/04/2017, by in Politics

Ron Estes R-KS wins a hard fought congressional race to fill the vacated seat of Mike Pompeo in taking the position of CIA Director in January. This race was far more important than most realize. The democrats went all out and poured in $Millions to win and tried to keep it under the radar to save f... Read more...