This is the second installment on the captive media series. The first article focused on 13 individual billionaires that own and control a large and significant aspect of the ‘captive’ media that is 'feeding information' to multiple millions of American consumers daily. A free and independent p... Read more...
UPDATED February 3, 2019. Owning a controlling interest in a news media outlet is but one of the ways the mega wealthy control the media. Another way that is becoming quite fashionable of late are billionaires funding lawsuits to take down a news outlet they see as ‘interfering’ with their inte... Read more...
Polls suggest that Americans don’t trust corporate media as a reliable source of news. Most will agree with that statement prima facie. When it comes to polls we trust them even less. The problem with polls are they are admittedly skewered to favor democrats. That being said even the fake polls ... Read more...
The New York Times story on the Trump Jr. email scandal exposes the paper as both culprit and snitch if one merely reads more than their headline. I think they believe revealing the truth buried deep inside their story that they have no evidence to support will somehow exonerate them from liability.... Read more...
The corporate fake news media is getting what they so richly deserve ... Justice! Next in line are the embedded nefarious forces hiding in plain sight deep in the bowels of government. But who’s Haman you ask? That will be revealed later in the article. My tears began flowing many years ago whe... Read more...
There is no investigation into the Trump – Russian collusion because the story was invented by Obama shortly after the 2016 election of Donald J Trump. When the deep state participants were called in to testify before Congress under oath, to a person the conclusion was there is no evidence for... Read more...
Now that the people of the United States of America have spoken, the left finally reveals itself as the fascists and totalitarians they always were. Fascist is who they are! It’s easy to appear nice when you have full control of the lamestream media; both political parties; local, state and federa... Read more...
My, my, my how things have changed. It was not too long ago that the internet was called the beacon of free speech; the place where the politically oppressed people could turn to have their voice heard. Well, those were the days prior to Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook becoming full-fledged, card car... Read more...