ACT for America March Against Shariah

ACT for America March Against Shariah
0 comments, 06/06/2017, by , in Islam

Spirit of 76On Saturday, June 10, 2017, ACT! for America is sponsoring #MarchAgainstSharia events in cities across the nation.

This is a march against Sharia law and for human rights. Our nation is built on the freedom of religion — a pillar of our democracy — which we must always respect, protect, and honor. However many aspects of Sharia law run contrary to basic human rights and are completely incompatible with our laws and our democratic values.

We, at ACT for America, are committed to protecting women and children from Sharia Law and its impact on Muslim women and children including honor killing and Female Genital Mutilation. We must ensure that every woman and child enjoy the protection afforded by the U.S. Constitution.

Get information about why Sharia is incompatible with Western democracy rally and the freedoms it affords, as well as the addresses for each march location, including a link to the Facebook event.

Please share this information with your family, friends, and mark your calendars for Saturday, June 10, 2017.

Thank you for taking action! Together, we are making a difference.

NHN: Public Service Announcement

Americans attending these marches must be prepared to protect and defend themselves against the forces of evil arrayed against them. Southern Poverty Law Center, the outfit mentioned in the article below is a far-left organization seeking to undermine traditional American values and uses the weight of law to silence freedom and speech at every opportunity.

antifa - masked criminals

ANTIFA – Masked Fascist & Communist Criminals

The far-left violent and extremist groups like antifa, BAMN and others have stated their intention to confront this peaceful rally and silence Americans from speaking the truth about the enemies of this nation. These groups are committed to the overthrow of America as evidenced by the anti-Trump false flag rhetoric and violence.

The extremist groups have the supporters of common sense and truth outnumbered 5:1 and that’s when they are most dangerous. It is important we have as large a showing as possible and be prepared to protect and defend yourselves against these anti-America extremist.

Protect America against the forces of evil.


Article: Anti-Sharia Law Protest to be Met with Violent Counter-Protest

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