Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan

Obama Executive Order (EO) 13603 entitled National Defense Resources Preparedness authorizes unprecedented powers to the President, the Defense Secretary and all agencies of the federal government during a time of National Emergency. Now that globalist James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis has been removed as Defense Secretary and we are in a state of National Emergency, I think it wise to review such powers.
Obama wrote this EO on March 16, 2012 for evil purposes for the future deconstruction of the US Constitution as part of his fundamental transformation of the United States of America. The EO expanded the definition of what constitutes a national emergency; provides NO Constitutional checks and balances; and grants powers to nationalize, well EVERYTHING.
President Trump never repealed this Obama EO. Therefore with such powers granted to the President and the Defense Secretary, I think it’s a good idea to see who Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan is now that President Trump appointed him on Christmas Eve 2018. Who is this man that now has such incredible powers rivaled only by the President and just how and why could such powers conceivably be used?

From 1986 through 2017, Patrick Shanahan was a Boeing employee, engineer and executive for 31 years up to the moment POTUS Trump nominated him for Deputy Defense Secretary on March 16, 2017. He was confirmed by the United States Senate with a vote of 92–7 on July 18, 2017. His confirmation was initially opposed by then Senator John McCain who excoriated him due to his written answers concerning arms for Ukraine. McCain opposition is a plus for Shanahan in my humble opinion.
Shanahan held several engineering, computer services and management positions for Boeing. He served as Vice President and General Manager for Boeing’s Missile Defense Systems, their Commercial Airlines Division and their Rotorcraft Systems. He was a member of the Boeing Executive Council and Senior Vice President, Supply Chain & Operations at the time President Trump tapped him for the position of Deputy Defense Secretary.
Trump wanted Patrick Shanahan to not only be the next in line to replace Mattis but also be the guy to reform the internal processes of the Pentagon and to develop the network for the new Space Force structure. In Shanahan’s own words he believes his job was to ‘operationalize’ the National Defense Strategy, “driving systemic change — rewiring the organization to increase our performance on lethality, alliances, and reform.”
Shanahan is a systems guy and not a strategic military guru. His background is in processes, engineering and administration as evidenced by his experience and education having two advanced degrees from MIT in engineering and business administration. As this relates to the Obama EO, President Trump will be making all the strategic decisions, not the Defense Secretary. This will be true whether President Trump will nominate him as Defense Secretary or perhaps have Mike Mulvaney assume that role.
Though Obama meant this EO for evil purposes under a democrat president like Hillary Clinton to ‘checkmate’ national sovereignty and usher in totalitarian globalist tyranny, Trump now has a very powerful strategic arrow in his quiver to restore our Constitutional Republic and purge and prosecute the corruption at the highest levels of government and industry.
With such powers at his disposal, President Trump can effectively deal with the depth and breadth of the utter corruption in all branches of the federal and state governments including issues of election integrity, immigration, sanctuary cities and states, agriculture, medicine, patents and other corrupt and criminal aspects of America. This reality is without doubt cause for the hysteria and derangement of those being targeted for ‘draining’ which includes criminal prosecutions outside the corrupt judicial system, i.e. Military Tribunals.
I believe the current government shutdown is a strategy of President Trump to immobilize 15% of the swamp via furlough thereby mitigating further damage by the deep state during this period of time. It may very well be the plan of President Trump to extend this ‘government closure’ and have the military Army Corp of Engineers build the wall under the direction and supervision of Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan.
President Trump will personally direct the critical elements for the ‘draining’ including military investigations and prosecutions. The tools designed for our transformation into a globalist tyrannical state by Obama will now be used against the SES shadow government, deep state and globalist tyrants in government and industry. Trump was never supposed to be elected president and once he was, was never expected to survive till now … but here he is in power and glory.
Therefore the Obama EO should be repealed AFTER Trump drains the swamp. 2019 is the year of the ORANGE CRUSH … Orange Man Good as we the ‘Performing Characters’ say … the Patriot version of PC and a twist on the NPC meme wars that trigger the demonrat minions.
2019 is not going to be a good year for corrupt politicians, judges, attorneys, businessmen, media moguls, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, pedophiles, and those complicit in the active coup d’état against President Trump and America. Despite what you are reading and hearing in the propaganda media and social(ist) media, high level ‘untouchable’ criminals like Mueller, hildabeast, Obama and all the demonrats and RINO co-conspirators WILL be brought to justice.
This year will be the evidence for why there are so many deranged creatures in total meltdown about Donald J Trump being elected the 45th President of the United States of America. I can’t speak for others but I just love the smell of a Trump Presidency this New Year’s morning in 2019 … smells like VICTORY!
Shanahan Poised to Rewire The Pentagon
EO 13603: National Defense Resources Preparedness (PDF)