What a shocking Revelation. Of all the groups in America vying for disenfranchised status (code word for special status, federal protection and tax dollars) it is indeed shocking when we find it is not any of the classic cultural minorities. It’s not racial minorities like Black, Hispanic or ... Read more...
Paul Ryan, House Speaker and Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader is leading the GOPe Congress again in their betrayal of America. Not the first time; they did this under Obama as well. Republicans lost their principles, lack leadership and always have. They are undocumented democrats dis... Read more...
It seems not only Google is in the business of redefining long established meanings of words like that of fascism to mean a right-wing system of governance. The shamefulness and guile of the extreme left globalists in doing this to provide cover for the far-left violence of the terrorist groups’ a... Read more...
I guess seven years was not enough time for the Republicans to know how to repeal the disastrous ACA law called Obamacare. What a bunch of frauds! Take note America for we see that true Republicans in the House of Representatives are reduced to the 30 or so members in the Freedom Caucus with all oth... Read more...