Clint Eastwood could have easily starred in his movie, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” if it were filmed in the DC Swamp. The adventure and fights would still be epic. It seems not all snowflakes, cupcakes and buttercups are on the left for it appears we have more than our share here with our b... Read more...
What is going on with these libtard leftists supporting a globalist totalitarian agenda? I was shocked and disappointed to receive an email from Mark Surman, Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation who shared a statement from Mozilla CEO Chris Beard. Upon reading it I asked myself, “have a... Read more...
There is a civil war going on in America that is really going on across the globe. Never before have so many world governments been so widely oppressive to their own people in transitioning from nationalism to globalism. The United States heartily and overtly embraced oppressive totalitarian globali... Read more...