David Bowdich is up to his neck in treachery as another in a long line of DC swamp creatures heading the FBI. Bowdich is a scheduled to testify as a witness in the Russia-Trump farce and government coup d’état against the United States President. Bowdich worked under James Comey, another disgr... Read more...

President Trump tweeted earlier today that he will be nominating former Assistant Attorney General Christopher A. Wray to be the next Director of the FBI. Wray served two years as Assistant AG under the George Bush Administration from 2003-2005 to oversee the Criminal Division. Christopher Wray r... Read more...

To not have Sheriff David A Clarke on Donald Trump’s short list for FBI Director is a major travesty. It reduces the promise to ‘Drain the Swamp’ to little more than a sound bite without teeth. The number one candidate on President Trump’s short list, Trey Gowdy, just withdrew himself fro... Read more...

Sure you want this guy leading an intelligence and investigation agency with access to the plethora of surveillance tools? If you’re not sure check out the references below from his Boston Conference on Cyber Security speech at Boston College on March 8, 2017 and why the impeachment drums were bea... Read more...