WikiLeaks CIA Vault 7 Releases CherryBlossom Project
0 comments, 15/06/2017, by in Technology

June 15th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the Cherry Blossom project of the CIA that was developed and implemented with the help of the US nonprofit Stanford Research Institute (SRI International). Cherry Blossom provides a means of monitoring the Internet activity of and performing soft... Read more...

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Releases Scribbles
0 comments, 28/04/2017, by in Technology

April 28, 2017. WikiLeaks publishes the documentation and source code for CIA's "Scribbles" project, a document-watermarking preprocessing system to embed "Web Beacon"-style tags into documents that are likely to be copied by Insiders, Whistle-Blowers, Journalists or others. The released version 1.0... Read more...

Shame on You Google!
0 comments, 18/04/2017, by in Technology

Do we need to boycott all advertisers supporting the Google platforms to get Google's attention? We’ll be doing shame on you articles on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others but they’ll just have to wait their turn. Here’s why we're starting with Google. Google is defrauding their advertis... Read more...