URGENT: MUST READ before Voting! Please share this article with every media web site and person you know who may be voting this Sunday in the French Election. The French Electoral Commission has ordered all French media outlets to “Stand Down” from publishing Emmanuel Macron's hacked emai... Read more...
The LameStream Fake news media and globalist cabal is going all-out to rob Marine Le Pen of the French Election. We’ve seen this happen in the US with their assault on Donald Trump. Were it not for his overwhelming support that defeat the voter and election fraud, far-left queen Hillary may very w... Read more...
For liberty to reign again in France so must Marine Le Pen. Enough with this calling the extreme globalist left like Emmanuel Macron a moderate. Macron is an extremist and he is campaigning on the ‘fact’ that terrorism as an “imponderable problem” which will be “part of our daily lives for... Read more...