The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that 30 Republican members of Congress have been attacked or the victim of a death threats since May of this year. This is unacceptable dear democrats. It’s time to remove antifa, BAMN, BLM and other unhinged far-left democrat sponsored groups off the street... Read more...

Rasmussen is reporting that the daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday June 16 shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. So all this nonsense of manufacturing the fake imaginary charges against President Trump is backfiring! This is the most patheti... Read more...

Now that the royal guard has been fired, the Comey-less democrat left is scurrying like roaches when the lights come on. Oh what a sight to behold! Now that their cover is gone it’s all hands on deck for the major assault on President Trump. Their lives as free people may very well depend upon ... Read more...

Now that the people of the United States of America have spoken, the left finally reveals itself as the fascists and totalitarians they always were. Fascist is who they are! It’s easy to appear nice when you have full control of the lamestream media; both political parties; local, state and federa... Read more...