President Donald trump endorsed incumbent Luther Strange (R-AL) for the Special Election Primary for the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he accepted the US Attorney General position. Former Governor Robert Bentley (R-AL) appointed Luther Strange to the US Senate immediately after Jeff Sess... Read more...

Hey Folks, Just a heads up that started doing videos and opened three online video accounts with; Patreon and YouTube. I have the links below. This is a new thing for us that we resisted doing because we're writers and have never done videos before. The burden fell on m... Read more...

The biggest myth perpetrated upon the world is that Islam is a religion. Forget the religion of peace mantra for Islam is neither a religion nor peaceful. They are an Islam Idiocracy without borders. The Islam Idiocracy governs all Muslims and those who embrace Islam anywhere in the world regardless... Read more...

HR McMaster, Brigadier General and National Security Adviser is one bad hombre and traitor to United States sovereignty and must be fired immediately. Sara Carter, an investigative reporter for Circa News broke the story and has a copy of the secret letter McMaster sent to Susan Rice confirming she ... Read more...

August 3, 2017 WikiLeaks published documents from the Dumbo project of the CIA. Dumbo is a capability to suspend processes utilizing webcams and corrupt any video recordings that could compromise a PAG deployment. The PAG (Physical Access Group) is a special branch within the CCI (Center for Cyber I... Read more...

WikiLeaks releases four CIA malware spy programs: BothanSpy; Gyrfalcon; Highrise; UCL/Raytheon; and Imperial as part of its Vault 7 operation. BothanSpy (Windowa) & Gyrfalcon (Linux) On July 6, 2017 WikiLeaks published documents from the BothanSpy and Gyrfalcon projects of the CIA. The implant... Read more...