Wow, Wow, WOW! My Goodness did our stable genius of a president have a LOT to say today! President Trump’s 18 tweet Cyber-Storm on Saturday, January 12, 2019 included: 4 video segments mostly on border security, immigration and the corrupt CNN fake news machine;More fake news propagandists CNN... Read more...
Just how fantastic is it to have an Alpha male as President of the United States? No wonder the demonrats and the fake news propaganda media are obsessed with deposing President Donald J Trump by any means necessary. He has them twisted in more knots than a New York City pretzel. All who oppose... Read more...
The democrat left appear to have completely abandoned whatever remnant of decorum they had since the election of President Donald J Trump. There appears to be an abomination contest taking place as to who will take the black crown of depravity. It started with Rosie O’Donnell’s attack on Barron ... Read more...