President Donald Trump nominates swamp creature Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony M Kennedy on the Supreme Court. President did not look very enthused when he made the announcement on Monday night July 9, 2018. This was most likely an orchestrated retirement with behind the scene dealings f... Read more...

President Donald J Trump's Top SCOTUS Picks when you come right down to it is between Deep State or Outsider? Which do you want to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court? In today's politically charged civil war climate it should be a no-brainer. We'll find out on Monday, July 9, 2018 who the ch... Read more...

A Deep State of judges, regulators, politicians, executives and corporations has secretly signed on to "A New World Order" where government is "disaggregated" into self-defined networks. From that point on, their pledges of loyalty to the US Constitution became optional and the shadow became the sub... Read more...