All the major fake news media outlets are reporting two incidents of Russian bombers flying within 100 miles of the United States on Monday April 17. They then report a second incident the next day on Tuesday the 19th this time with bombers flying 36 miles north of the Aleutian Islands. Scary news .... Read more...
If you want to see how fake news is used to advance a narrative, look no further than this example from the AP. Remember, the narrative the US Government and fake news media are seeking to advance is war with Russia. To accomplish this, a ‘case’ must be advanced to ‘validate and justif... Read more...
Well, the globalist gained control over the Trump administration so now their long sought war with Russia is imminent. Fox News is reporting that the Russian Frigate Admiral Grigorovich has entered the Mediterranean Sea and headed toward the USS Ross and the USS Porter, the two US Navy Destroyers th... Read more...
The lame stream media and the democrat party is insane and harming this nation. We are watching the hearings and to a person everyone agrees there is no evidence ... getting that? ... NO evidence to warrant an investigation, but yet here they are. It’s one thing to write fake news and give fals... Read more...