Build The Wall: Armed Mexican Cartel Breach Arizona Border

Build The Wall: Armed Mexican Cartel Breach Arizona Border
1 comment, 13/09/2017, by , in International

Breitbart Texas confirms with Feds that armed Mexican Cartel is flooding into America having breached the border in Arizona. Building the wall is more urgent than ever for it is foolish to believe this is an isolated event. While general illegal immigration is substantially in decline, armed bad actors are flowing into America with the intent to do harm.

Many photo images were leaked to Breitbart News but due to security reasons in not compromising law enforcement operation locations, they properly decided to release only a few redacted photos that would not compromise operations.  The released photos were taken in the Tucson Sector in the Huachuca Mountains.

That region is controlled by a transnational criminal organization known as Los Salazar. The regional cartel is aligned with the Sinaloa Federation. Other criminal groups in the Sinaloa Federation are warring against Los Salazar and this manifests in this portion of Arizona becoming their battleground. The other groups send “rip crews” into Los Salazar’s smuggling turf in efforts to steal their drug loads on U.S. soil.

The drug trafficking war is not limited to this region but impacts the Texas, California and New Mexico borders as well. Illegal immigration is declining and many of the Mexican cartels were deriving significant income smuggling illegals into the US.

It is not unusual for the traffickers to demand $5,000 USD and more for smuggling illegals into the country. Mexicans and others were willing to risk in the past when they knew a successful border crossing could anchor them in the US so they could bring in family at a later time.

Mexican-US Border

Cartel Drug Wars Breach US-Mex Border

The loss in income to the cartels due to the US enforcing immigration law is escalating drug trafficking and the gang wars to steal drug loads on the US side of the border to pick up the slack. The American appetite for illicit drugs has not waned so these turf wars will continue until such time that law enforcement is able to curtail the flow.

There is so much money to be made by all parties that the alleged ‘war on drugs’ became a joke because the CIA and other government agencies were making huge sums of money by allowing the flow of drugs to continue. Mexico was not the only nation profiting from the illicit drug industry. Afghanistan is a major player in providing the source product for drug manufacturing.

If you believe the US is in Afghanistan for the last 16 years for the purpose to kill terrorists, then you live in a sanitized world of fantasy and make believe. Afghanistan is known to be a mineral rich land but has not been able to capitalize on its abundant resources. Peace is essential for that to happen for US Corporations cannot mine and exploit the land when there is excessive war and violence tearing it apart.

Expect a dramatic turn in strategy concerning Afghanistan. As long as there remains an appetite for illicit drugs, countries like Afghanistan and Mexico will always be there to answer the call along with the US government. This too is a swamp in need of draining.


Photo Credit: Breitbart Texas/Brandon Darby

Article: EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Images Show Armed Mexican Cartel Smugglers Crossing into U.S., Feds Confirm

Article: U.S. Identifies Vast Mineral Riches in Afghanistan

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About Jon Galt

Jon Galt is a sovereign man, a true American patriot, philosopher, inventor and writer. Jon believes in the power and glory of the human mind, capitalism, and the sovereign right of the individual to use their mind solely for themselves. His existence makes him a member of society; his Creator God made him a bearer of His image and a child of God. As such he is a sovereign individual with a unique mind. Society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionality and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism. The natural and only end of that collectivist philosophy is death. For this reason Jon Galt rejects society. He owes no man anything but to live lovingly and justly for his Creator God who is supreme love and supreme justice. The individual mind of sovereign man is God’s attribute of omniscience. Laissez-Faire Capitalism is man’s only structure capable of giving glory to God and His image bearer sovereign man. Therefore, my oath is to live as God’s creation: a sovereign man that never lives for the sake of another or for another to live for the sake of he. I care not who shrugs.

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